Li'Rann Health is an eco-friendly clinic using traditional modalities informed by science, in a natural & holistic framework.
We bring a relaxed and personal touch to our clinic by being ourselves. Our therapists are human, just like our clients... surprise!
The Li'Rann Health practice is built on a chilled out model where we embrace diversity, bare foot is awesome, and a good, healthy body image is something we encourage whole-heartedly.
We approach health with a broad holistic view, where your physical health, mental health and soul health are equally as important. All parts of you need to be healthy if you are to feel healthy and live a healthy life.
Our offerings are massage, stretch sessions, dance classes, workshops in natural health and yarn crafts, as well as the spiritual teaching of Urishe. We periodically host social events, and involve ourselves in the community around us wherever and whenever we can.
We have therapists in both Melbourne and Brisbane, practising from their own Home Clinics.

It's All About Holism...
Holism is the idea that everything should be considered within the context of its connections and interconnections with everything else around and within.
Everything is part of a system and nothing stands by itself in isolation. The more you look at something, the more you can see its connections, and the more you can see systems within systems, and systems interacting with other systems.
To treat holistically is to look at the "big picture" and to adjust any treatment approach so that any effect of treatment will positively impact an individual as a whole.

We have a range of workshops that you can take 1-on-1, or as a small group. These workshops are aimed at showing you how you can be more eco-friendly and how to reduce the amounts of chemicals in your life. Ranging from making beeswax wraps to learning how to make basic medicines that work, these workshops are easy and fun!

Plant Medicine
Using Plant Medicine treatments
ranging from extracts, capsules and topical creams, to holistic advice on nutrition and exercise, Plant Medicine is a holistic adjunct to your GP and excels in treating on-going illness naturally. Book a session to discuss managing weight loss, reflux, GORD, migraine, adrenal stress and more.